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The Dancers' Eye

Contact Improvisation dance came onto Tara's path in Mexico while she was studying yoga and meditation in 2021. Since Brazilian teacher Alessandro Rivellino introduced Tara to Contact Improvisation, it has been an important element in her life. For Tara it helped to heal deep childhood wounds and to learn to feel safe again in human connection. It is a way to come home into the body while being in connection in this world with humans, part of the human family.

Contact Improvisation is a style of dance practiced in a world-wide community of humans with values of self-responsibility and mutual respect. Honouring and celebrating life. When Alessandro came to Amsterdam in 2022 and Tara joined a weekend of dance, the dance below spontaneously emerged. Danced by Alesandro, Lana, Andy, IO, Thijs and Karlijn, captured by Tara.

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